A tuning fork is a steel instrument with two prongs that serves as an acoustic resonator. When struck, a tuning fork produces a fixed musical pitch, which then serves as a standard for tuning musical instruments. Usually, the tuning fork produces waves that send out vibrations in the air around it. Tuning fork therapy is based on the concept of vibrations in the universe. Waves occur around and inside you. Your body has rhythm and harmony. If it experiences waves that create rhythm and harmony, sound healing occurs. Your body is also made up of 75% water, which serves as a great conductor for sound. The body, therefore, tends to resonate with the sounds it hears. As the vibrations from sound travel through your body, they remove blockages that hinder flow in your energy.
The presence of a disease in your body indicates that your body is out of tune. Everything is out of rhythm, and therefore, harmony cannot exist. Tuning fork therapy brings your body back to its healthy vibrational state and promotes self-healing. Using different tuning forks produces different vibrations.
Tuning the natural cycles in your bodies, known as the circadian rhythm. This helps you bring back your natural cycles to stimulate homeostasis. When your body is balanced, you can heal physically, emotionally, spiritually, and psychologically. Tuning forks repair your DNA structure by creating vibrations that are in rhythm with your spinal cord. When your spine is in harmony, the right cells are created to promote health. Use of tuning forks helps to distribute Qi in your body, by uniting different body energies. When your Qi is activated, energy flows freely inside your body to promote healing. Some of the many benefits include healing strained muscles and tendons, increased bone density, bringing your nervous system into balance and integrating your left and right brain for thinking.